Releases & Updates

Dentolize Latest Updates

October 18, 2024

Internal Chat:

One of the most requested features is now live! Clinics can now communicate more easily using the Internal Chat Section. This chat is exclusively for clinic users, making it easier to collaborate and stay connected within your clinic.

Prescriptions at a Glance:

Easily access and review all prescribed medications for a patient.
Filter medications by type, date, or dosage for targeted analysis.
Track medication adherence and effectiveness to optimize treatment plans.

Patient History Hub:

Access a detailed timeline of a patient's medical journey.
View historical data on diagnoses, treatments, and vital signs.
Identify patterns and trends to inform personalized care.

Manual Task Management

Create and track custom tasks related to patients, invoices, payments, or other areas.
Set due dates, assign responsibilities, and monitor progress to ensure timely completion.
Improve organizational efficiency and reduce the risk of missed tasks.

August 23, 2024

Points & Rewards:

Introducing a brand new Points and Rewards system! Clinics can now create customized loyalty programs to reward patients for their visits, referrals, and more. Track and manage points seamlessly to enhance patient engagement and retention

Connect Patient to Family:

Enhance patient care with the new Family Connections feature. You can now link patients to their family members within the system, providing a comprehensive view of family medical history and facilitating better care coordination.

Collect Feedback from Patients:

Gain deeper insights into patient satisfaction with our new Feedback Collection feature. Customize the questions you ask your patients to gather the most relevant feedback and continuously improve your services.

Automated WhatsApp Bot Messages & Reminders:

Stay connected with your patients effortlessly using Automated WhatsApp Bot Messages. Send appointment reminders, follow-up messages, and more, directly to your patients’ WhatsApp, ensuring they never miss an appointment again.

August 03, 2024


1 - You can now create repeated appointments by one click while ensuring doctor availability at all the times.


1 - We added the ability to disable specific procedure inside a price list while this procedure is available through other price lists.

2 - Invoice QR Code is now compatible with ZATCA rules in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia


1 - Now you can save patient encounter every visit and track their improvements through the visits and also share and print the encounter.

July 06, 2024


1 - You can now see available slots for the whole month in one page.

2 - Added ability to reorder doctors in the calendar.


1 - Select a specific gender in medical settings.

2 - Option to disable labs, insurance companies and suppliers.

3 - We added all the medications in the market so clinics can easily search them when adding a new prescription.


1 - Now you can view and export medical history in the patient's timeline.

2 - We added insurance companies presets when downloading invoice.

3 - Now you can filter payments and invoices by speciality, and view them in summary as well.

May 10, 2024


*** This is a huge update to the inventory, its recommended to watch the video below ***

1 - You can create variations/sub items for each inventory item.

2 - You can create multiple transactions in one order.

3 - We added the ability to have the same inventory item in different locations.

4 - New inventory dashboard to track inventory health.

5 - Inventory Orders now have a status, meaning you can create the order, assign it to another user, and when its completed you can update its status.

6 - You can track all your inventory transactions in one place.

February 29, 2024


1 - Added the ability to compare payments by ``Old vs. New Patients``.

2 - You can now view the analytics in table view.

Invoice Actions:

1 - You can view all patient deleted records from the patient page.

2 - You can also view all actions on an Invoice from the invoice page.


1 - New permission for editing the status for appointments.

2 - Ability to add the company title in print settings on its own line.

3 - Ability to generate Qr Code for forms.

4 - New feature to add tags and price lists to generated patient links.

January 05, 2024

Patient Tags:

1 - Now you can create next patient tags and select them automatically from a patient or an appointment.

Operations Invoice:

1 - We made it easier to select operations and create their invoice from the mobile app.


1 - We added the ability to ( Create & Add New / Create & View ) in all forms.

December 24, 2023


1 - Now you can create and convert quotations to invoices, type the diagnosis and much more.


1 - We added the ability to search by custom fields.
2 - Clicking on any row now using 'control key' will open in a new tab.

November 09, 2023

Referral Statement:

1 - New referral statement will allow to compare between your marketing campaign in an easy and innovative way.


1 - You can now connect price lists to Insurance Companies

2 - Assign plans to each Insurance Company

3 - New field for Patients (National ID)

4 - User IP is now saved in actions.

5 - Patient Creation date in downloaded excel data.

October 19, 2023

Doctors Working Hours:

1 - You can now assign working hours, breaks and holidays for each doctor.
2 - When booking an appointment for a doctor outside his working ours you will get a warning.


1 - Updated analytics for both Branch and Master Inventory

2 - Ability to filter payments, expenses, etc.. by subtypes.


1 - Notifications on mobile app and website for online payments processings.

2 - Ability to use age on mobile along with DOB when adding new patients.

3 - You can now assign icons for patient tags.

4 - Added E-Invoice for KSA.

September 22, 2023


1 - You can now view all patient details and actions in one place inside the timeline, print and share them as well.


1 - Select multiple tooth on the chart by click and drag.

2 - Add monthly expenses and salaries manually by one click.

3 - You can sort the calendar by doctors now.

August 3, 2023

Online Payments:

1 - You can now add your own provider and collect and send online payments to your patients.


1 - We added the ability to add and remove operations from invoices, even it has payments.

2 - Ability to edit discount after invoice is created.

3 - Ability to move payments back to balance.

User Actions:

1 - Updates by users will now be visible with all its details for Payments, Patients, Appointments, Invoices and Operations

Salary Hub:

1 - All salaries will visible inside the salary hub, including doctor percentages and lab fees.

2 - Now you can add bonuses and deductions for users and will be visible in the salary hub as well.

3 - Bonus and deductions will be calculated in the automatic salary by the end of the month including the basic salary.


1 - Option to select to prevent changing doctor automatically when procedure is completed.

2 - Option to give all new online patients a pending ID of 0.

June 16, 2023


1 - Allow changing operation name and code with price lists.

2 - Allow settings medical fields as required or hidden.

3 - Add Google calendar link, Branch address, phones and name for Appointments Qr-Code

June 01, 2023

Summary Dashboard:

You can now watch all your daily clinic events and duties through one channel
Including (new patients, new appointments, finance flow as payments or
expenses, tasks, average feedback, inventory usage, birthdays)
- Notifications about:
A- materials about to runout or expire from inventory’s
B- invoices with remining required to pay
C- tasks with pending action
D- operation’s pending and needs approval form incurrence company
E- patients consents with pending signature
F- appointments Through QR-code with pending confirmation


- We introduce new feature in Doctor’s section to allow the system to
automatic calculate Doctor’s salary according to their percentage or fixed
cash from every procedure and deduction of lab orders and debts
- Full Income statement for the clinic to watch the (Revenue, Cost of revenue,
Gross profit, Operating profit)


Procedures and Prices
A- You can now split any procedure to multiple steps and editing the price of
each step
B- Creating automatic appointments for the patient after each step
- Users
A- Doctor percentage or fixed cash option form each procedure according to
the pricelist and lab orders cost
A - It is a new feature to send special tasks to the users assign to
B - Ability to create automatic task on different actions


- now you can add temporary patient file (with no ID number) until the first
procedure or invoice is created
- nationality option in patient file
- taxes for foreign nationality
- now you can choose dental assistant during appointment creation
- enhancement in search ability to catch any patients file registered
with different alphabetic characters
- new required patient form and signature for medical history

Mobile Application:

- Enhancements in app performance especially in calendar section
- Easily editing the appointments time in calendar

March 25, 2023

Filling Items:

1 - You can now fill your SMS, Free Forms or Patient Reminders from our preset options.


1 - You can filter patients by their birth dates.

2 - Select an expiration date and maximum registers for the generated patient link.


1 - Ability to set cancellation reasons for appointments to choose from.

2 - Ability to sort and filter all tables.

3 - We added filters in analytics.

4 - Search payments, appointments, expenses and inventory by their subtypes.

5 - Ability to show and hide analytics tab in all tables.

6 - Choose a color for each doctor to appear in the calendar.

January 26, 2023

Free Forms:

1 - You can create multiple free forms from Settings => Free Forms.

2 - You can create a consent/free form for each patient and they can add their Electronic Signature.

3 - Connect Free forms / Lab Orders or Prescription templates to Procedures to be created automatically when procedure is In Progress.

4 - You can choose the forms to have a required signature.

5 - Assign users automatically from branches to Lab Orders / Prescriptions or Free Forms.

6 - Send automatic SMS when a Free form is created


1 - You can filter patients by multiple tags

2 - You can select an area on the map and check all the patients in this area and send them a message.

3 - Patients can sign payments and invoices using the Electronic Signature

4 - New Plus button in patient's dental chart for easier access to new forms.


1 - Ability to choose the language when Printing or sending the QR Code link.

2 - Ability to hide prices for Lab Orders.

3 - Add payment subtypes.

4 - Search payments, appointments, expenses and inventory by their subtypes.

January 08, 2023


1 - You can now customise all types, their colors and subtypes (Expenses, Appointments, Inventory, Income, Referrals and Tags)

2 - We added the option to add multiple locations for the attendance to automatically get approved if near those locations.

3 - We added the option to limit the discount users can apply on invoices and operations.

4 - We added extra permissions for changing the operator in Invoices, Payments or Operations.

5 - Reports has new extra values (Total working hours and Average Feedback)


1 - We added extra field in the Insurance Company and Patient for selecting when their insurance month starts.


1 - You can now see all the user info in their profile including (Appointments, Invoices, Operations and Payments)

December 16, 2022


1 - New Dark Colors for Calendar (Settings => Account => Clinic).

2 - New Permissions for logs and for viewing only one day in the dashboard date.

3 - New option for cancelling pending SMS.

4 - Option to mark Lab Orders as Delivered to Patients.

5 - Set different Insurance discount for each operation and price list.


1 - New 'Duplicate Patients' tab in 'Logs' and ability to Merge Patients / Users.

2 - Filter Payments/Invoices/Operations by Referral and Patient Tags.

3 - Refactor how Balance payments looks in Invoices and Payments.

4 - Extra filters in patients table for 'Genders & Marital Status'.

5 - Ability to edit operations for owners even if they have an invoice.

6 - Ability to add and remove operations from Quotations and view the chart for any quotation.

7 - New status for operations 'Rejected'.

8 - We added the ability to upload images when saving notes on the chart.


1 - Now you can add purchase orders when creating expenses, and it will reflect automatically on the Branch/Master inventory.

WhatsApp Bot:

1 - You can select which Doctors / Branches appears in WhatsApp.

2 - You can select the default appointment duration and how many appointments can be booked in each slot.

November 23, 2022

Payments & SMS:

1 - You can now add balance to patients through their profile or appointments.

2 - We added two options to automatic SMS (When appointment changes to Waiting List or In Progress).


1 - New field is available for patients 'Marital Status'

2 - Cancelling an appointment will require a cancellation message and can be searched and filtered in appointments from logs.

3 - When deleting a price list you will be able to assign the old patients to a new price list.


1 - You can mark Procedures, Conditions, Note templates, etc.. as Inactive and they will not appear in the chart.

2 - Its now optional in the Clinic settings to select which operations can be selected by default for the invoice (Planned, In Progress or Completed)

November 18, 2022

Payments & SMS:

1 - You can now print payments or send them as a QR Code

2 - You can include the payment QR Code Link in the SMS

3 - We increased the limit for SMS characters so clinics can send them manually on WhatsApp


1 - Patient tabs are now fixed, so when we scroll we can still navigate between the patient pages and see their name clearly.

2 - We can search in the operations when in patient's chart.

3 - Creating a root canal treatment or composite will still show on the tooth even we didn't specify a root or surface.

4 - Creating new patients from an appointment is now disabled if the user has no permission for adding patients.

5 - We can use the QR Code link now to register new patients without having to create a new appointment.

6 - Clicking a phone number / Or long pressing it on mobile will give you the option to open on WhatsApp.

7 - You can now type phone numbers and send them on WhatsApp when opening any QR Code.


1 - We added new options in the required fields for patient form.

2 - You can now choose which fields appear to patients when filling the QR Code forms. (From Account => Settings => Clinic)

3 - You can choose from the note templates when editing an operation or writing details on it.

4 - You can add new reminders from the patient profile page, and select from the saved patient reminders.

October 27, 2022


1 - We added the option to select ``Date Based On`` on many tables in Mobile App and Website


1 - You can add Patient Reminders, directly from the patient profile or appointments on both Patient Web and Mobile App.

2 - Now you can make the tags a required field for patient profiles.

October 13, 2022

Lab Orders:

1 - You can now print lab order, or share it using QR-Code

2 - You can also send an automatic SMS for the Lab after creating lab orders, from Settings => SMS and also you can include the lab order link in SMS

3 - We also added the option to select the Shade and Teeth in the lab order


1 - You can share the patient QR-Code with your patients and when you scan it using our mobile App, it will go directly to the patient profile.

2 - You can select either the Full Mouth / Upper Arch / Lower Arch in the patient chart.

3 - You can include the medical QR-Code in the SMS for Patients.

October 05, 2022

Patients & Settings:

1 - Alert if duplicate ID for a patient

2 - Add new permission for users to see only the patients in branches with access to.

3 - Show patient phone number when printing appointments / payments / invoices in PDF.

4 - Add an option to select a default language for patients.

5 - Show alert in settings if the available SMS is lower than 100.

6 - Add SMS Analytics.

7 - Add our videos on the mobile app.

September 30, 2022


1 - We added a mixed dentition chart for patients, so you can easily switch between permanent and primary teeth.

2 - You can now sort and filter patients by last appointment from the patients tab.

3 - You can send SMS in Patients / Operations / Invoices and Appointments Tabs.

4 - You can filter files by their types, for example check all the insurance companies files only, from the Logs => Files.

Feature Requests:

1 - You can submit your feature requests, and vote on other requests and see our roadmap.

September 25, 2022

Settings & Permissions:

1 - We added a new permission for 'Phone Numbers', in the 'Data' Permission in Settings.

2 - Doctors Without 'Add New Invoice' Permission will not see the procedure price.

``Check the Settings => Account => Clinic tab on the top``

3 - Now you can choose which fields are required when filling the patient details, for example you can make the address field as required.

4 - You can also hide the appointment queue number in the QR-Code Appointment Page.

5 - You can set the new appointment default type to Confirmed, or any type.

6 - We added a branch field to SMS and Patient Reminders, so you can define the branch for messages and reminders.


We added an extra button for all tables with notifications like ``Invoices, Patients,..`` to make it easier to filter and check the notifications.

September 20, 2022


1 - We added a new type for appointments ``Confirmed``.

2 - You can see available times when creating new appointments (Click on the edit icon above start field), and will receive an alert if an appointment exists at the same time.

3 - When searching for patients, their last appointment will be visible.

4 - Insurance Company will now be visible in the appointment details.


1 - Company logo will be visible in QR Code Pages.

2 - We added the ability to adjust the Logo size in the Forms.

September 15, 2022


Now you can send patient reminders through WhatsApp manually from the reminders tab.


1 - Now you can see last appointments for patients in the patients tab.

2- Now you can search for patients that didn't come for a year or 6 months and send them a message (Check the search instructions).


1- You can release invoices (Will remove any required payments from this invoice).

2- You can select the insurance discount for each operation separately from the invoice.

3- We updated the excel when downloading invoices to make it easier to send to insurance companies.

Mobile App:

1 - You can filter operations by procedure, for example filter all Crown procedures from mobile.


1 - We added a couple extra fields GRP and CRT for patient insurance.

September 04, 2022

WhatsApp Bot:

We made a few enhancements to WhatsApp Bot to make it faster and give patients a better experience.


1 - Now you can create reminders for appointments (When creating new appointments) to receive a notification on our mobile app before appointments with specific time (So you never miss an appointment).

2- We added a green clock on the appointments in dashboard and calendar to show how long your patient has been waiting (Will turn orange and red if the patient waits longer than 15 or 30 minutes).


1- When creating a new patient you will receive an alert if you have another patient with the same phone number.

2- We added a new ``Tax`` field for patients, so you can add different taxes for patients.
3- We also added ``Insurance number`` for patients, which will now appear in the invoices.

Mobile App:

1 - We added the ability to save the user location when starting and ending attendance sessions.

2 - When you receive notification on our mobile app, it will show the clinic and branch names.


1 - We added a new permission for downloading the data.

August 13, 2022


You can track all your bank accounts, safe, cash flow and check all your transactions.

1 - Create a new treasury from the sidebar, it can be your clinic cash drawer for example and set its initial balance.

2 - Create more treasuries for your bank account for example CIB and set the bank fees percentage to be calculated automatically.

3 - Go to your branch settings and update your treasury settings for each type of payment / expense / income.

For example
- Set the default treasury for cash to The Cash Drawer
- Set the default treasury for card to CIB and other bank accounts in the available treasuries if you have more than a POS
- Set the default treasury for refund to The Cash Drawer and other available treasuries to the bank accounts
- Set the treasury for expenses and income

All payments and expenses now will reflect in your treasury, and you can also transfer between your treasuries.

Finally you can create automatic transfers for example at the end of the day transfer all money in The Cash Drawer to CIB bank account, or to the Clinic Safe.

July 27, 2022


1. (Patient Profile): we added a gallery to Patient Profile next to x-rays section, so you can add images and files and organize them in folders.

2. (Patient Profile): Now you can view X-Rays from Dentolize Mobile App.


1.(QR-Code): Now when you receive new patients and use QR-Code to fill their own data, they will be able to add their medical details too. And for existing patients, you can send them Medical Details QR from Medical Section in the Patient Profile to fill their own medical details. And in both cases the Clinic User must confirm the entered details. This option can be activated and deactivated from Settings>Account Settings>Clinic Settings.

July 20, 2022


1. (Types): we added Types to Appointments to help you differentiate between different appointment types. (Examination, Follow Up,…)

2. (Logs): If you go to Logs>Appointments, you will find out that we added General Indicators for Appointment Status at the top beside average feedback. If you click on any of them, appointments will be filtered by it.

Users Login:

1. (Switch User): you can log in to multiple accounts and switch between users if you have more than one. The little man icon at the top bar is responsible for that.

New Feature


1. (Operations): Now you can add more details to any operation. You will find a note icon beside the operation status column.


1. (Note Format): Now notes can be written in Bold, Strikethrough, or Colored.


1. (Failed to Send-SMS): You can Resend any failed to send SMS. Go to Log>Communications and from Sent column, find the failed ones and click Resend.

July 12, 2022


1. (Payments): Now you can refund a payment. When you edit a payment you will find a (REFUND PAYMENT) button at the bottom left next to (Delete).

New Feature


1. (Material Expiration Date): Now you can set by exact days when to be notified before a material is expired. You can do that when you create a new material or edit an existing one.


1. (Branch Rooms): Now the maximum branch rooms you can add is up to 15


1.(Room-Filter): calendar can be filtered by room. (MobileApp & WebApp)
2.(Room-View): you can view multiple rooms on calendar. (MobileApp & WebApp)


1. (Invoices Form): Now you can include the QR-Code in the printed invoice form. Do it from Settings > Forms, then use the Invoice Form tab from the top, then Activate QR-Code Visible option.

2. (Procedures & Prices): We added an option where you can set a cost for every procedure. This will allow you to monitor your operational expenses and view it separately in logs and report.

June 29, 2022

New Feature


1. Dentolize is introducing the Master Inventory - A new feature to manage External Inventories other than your clinic's Branches Inventories. Now you will find in inventory menu (Branch Inventory) and this is where you used to manage your Clinic Branches’ Inventories. Below it, you will find (Branch Refills) and here is where you used to refill your branch inventory items. Below it, you will find (Branch Usage) for those branches’ inventories usages.

2. Then Comes the new MASTER INVENTORY, and its Refills and Usage. which are almost like the branch inventory but with some changes. A video is coming very soon to explain the inventory and its analytics and updates made to them.


1. (Permissions): Now you have more control over what your employees can access and perform. We added new options in permissions (View Created Only) if you activate it for a specific permission in a specific group, this group will be able to only access what they create only in this permission. And (Change Creation Date) if you activate it for users they will be able to edit dates of creation for this permission.

2. (Clinic Settings): We added new option (Require Inventory Confirmation after Procedures) if you activate it. This will always open a popup for inventory usage after every procedure, where you can edit normal usage or confirm it.
This option can be find under Settings > Account Settings and scroll to find it under Clinic Settings section.

3. (Disabled Users): now you can disable a user or a branch, and it won’t be counted in the maximum users and branches but will still appear in search in RED color.


1. (Invoices): Now when patients have appointments today, their unpaid invoices will show up on dashboard, and will disappear again if a payment was added today.

Mobile APP:

1. (HUAWEI): now HUAWEI users can find DENTOLIZE mobile application in HUAWEI applications market.


1. (Notes): Now when you receive a Note notification and open it from the bell icon at the top bar you’ll find a button for Reply at the right side of the note.

Search & Filters:

1. (Operations): Now when you can filter operations by “Procedure” or “Condition” — and by whether its invoice is paid in full or not.

2. (Payments): Now when you can filter payments by whether its invoice is paid in full or not.

June 6, 2022


1. (Invoices): we decided to give every invoice an ID to make it more organized and easier to find.


1. (Procedures & Prices): we added a new button that merges two conditions or two procedures together in one. And this will automatically update all operations included this procedure in the past.

May 31, 2022

Billing System > (Finances):

1. (Finances): We renamed the Menu (Billings) to be (Finances) since we are developing and enhancing it.

2. (Invoices & Payments): Now Invoices and Payments can be linked to a specific branch, when you create a new Invoice or Payment, or edit existing ones you can link them to a specific branch.

3. (Invoices & Payments): Now Invoices and Payments can be linked to a specific Doctor, when you create a new Invoice or Payment, or edit existing ones you can link them to a specific Doctor.

4. (Bulk Expenses’ Payments): Now you can Sort & Filter your expenses’ payments by insurance company or lab or anything, then select as many expenses as required then add bulk payments once to all.


1. (New Patient ID): we added new Patient ID number that’s generated automatically and can’t be edited. It appears just next to the old patient ID. This to prevent human error and make it easier to find.

2. (Patients Tags): A new tags will be auto-generated for patients whom were created through WhatsApp & QR-Codes. To help you filter WhatsApp-Created patients by tag and so.


1. (Calendar Rooms): In Dentolize Mobile Application - Now you can select a specific room or clear selection to view all rooms in calendar. You will find (Room) button at the top of the calendar page. Use it to view a specific room or view all rooms in calendar.

Lab Orders:

1. (Lab Order): we added a new field in lab orders for Quantity. You can use it to verify the amount of items you need to request from the lab. You can find this field when you create a new lab order or edit an existing one.
* All older existing lab orders quantities will be automatically 1 now.


1. (Procedures & Prices): We added a new option to make procedures of permanent teeth chart (adults) different than the procedures of deciduous teeth chart (children). You can go to (Settings > Procedures & Prices) then scroll columns right and find the column (Permanent/Deciduous) and select where do you want this procedure to appear, (All-Permanent-Deciduous).

2. (Procedures & Prices): We added another new option to enable Dentolize opening a new lab order automatically after a specific procedure is completed or in progress. You can activate and deactivate this option for every single operation. Go to (Settings > Procedures & Prices) then scroll columns right and find the column (Open Lab After Procedure) where you can activate and deactivate this option.


1. (Created in Future): we disabled the ability of using future dates in all (Created At) fields. To prevent human errors.

May 25, 2022

Labs, Lab Orders, & Expenses:

1. (Lab Items): Now you can add the items you request from labs inside the lab profile (Menu > Associates > Labs). When you open a lab profile you will find a new tab for (Lab Items) beside (Lab Orders) tab. You can add items you purchase from this lab and assign photos and prices for every item.

2. (Lab Orders): Now when you create a new lab order you will be able to select an item from the lab items mentioned above. We also added new field (Item) to lab order profile. So, you can define the lab order item inside it, and filter your lab orders by this item. You will find a new column for Item, beside patient name column, inside Lab Orders Page.

3. (Lab Orders & Expenses): We linked lab orders to expenses. Now when you create a lab order you will find an option at the bottom to add this lab order to expenses (Activated by default), it links this lab order to expenses and you will be able to find it in (Billing > Expenses) and when you add payments to it you will find it in (Billing > Expenses Payments). and of course to analytics too.


1. (Inventory Items): Now every Inventory Item has a photo you can add when you create new inventory item or edit an existing one.

May 23, 2022

Billing Solutions:

1. (Expenses): You can detail your expense by adding multiple items. Now when you create an expense you will find a button at the bottom to add items inside the expense.

2. (Payment of Expenses): Now Payments of Expenses will be presented with the top expenses indicators but in different color blocks. You can find it now under (Billing > Expenses). And also under (Analytics > Reports) with expenses row.


1. (Appointments): We enabled appointment details to be presented below patient name in (Logs > Appointments).

2. (Reports): Now Payments of Expenses will be presented in expenses row in different color blocks.


1. (Attendance Session): When you try to log out, a pop up will appear to remind you of stopping your attendance session.


1. (Patient Tags): Now you can change patient tags from the following places: (Patient Profile, Appointment Pop-Up, Teeth Chart).

* You will find it in the chart at the right side of the chart.

Bugs Squashing:

1. We squashed a couple of small bug. Just because we can.

We keep testing Dentolize regularly and following up with our dentists and get their suggestions, in order to keep enhancing Dentolize and make sure it is always fulfilling all your needs.

May 20, 2022

Billing Solutions:

1. (Expenses): we added new expenses types. Now when you create new expense you will find more type options to select from. And you can also filter expenses by those new types.

2. (Payments for Expenses): We added new column for Payments, in Expenses page. Now you can sort Expenses by Payments.

Search & Filters:

1. (Operations): now you can filter operations by a tooth.

2. (Search): We enabled ``Search`` option inside the following: (Invoices, Expenses, Payments, and Incomes) to make it easy for you to locate specific Invoice, Expense, Payment, or Income).


1. (Payments of Operations): We added new column for Payments, in (Menu > Logs > Operations). Now you can sort Operations by Payments.


1. (Fixed Header): Now the top header bar is fixed and will not go anywhere when you scroll down.

2. (Staff Control): You can make it mandatory for your staff to take photos for themselves when they start Attendance sessions.

3. (Appointments): To maximize the accessibility we enabled you to create new appointment from patient profile through Dentolize web app. We added new button (New Appointment) inside patient profiles, just right to the Patient Profile Photo.

4. (Groups Relocation): We enabled you to relocate templates from a group to another. When you Hover over a template, a blue button will appear, use it to locate the template into another group. This can be find in any of the following: (Menu > Settings > Procedures & Prices / Conditions / Medical Options / Clinical Options / Note Templates).

Bugs Squashing:

1. We squashed a couple of small bug. Just because we can.

We keep testing Dentolize regularly and following up with our dentists and get their suggestions, in order to keep enhancing Dentolize and make sure it is always fulfilling all your needs.

May 8, 2022

New Features

Billing Solutions:

1. (Payments for Expenses): we enabled every expense to be divided into several payments. Now you can track your expense payments.

2. (Payments): Now all payments have section for details. You will never forget a thing about payments.

3. (Invoices): Now you can include the operations you did on patient into the invoice you share by QR-Code (it was already available for printed invoice). (Show Operations) can be turned on & off from `{`Settings > Forms > Invoice Form`}`.

4. (SMS-Invoice): We enabled invoices to be sent in SMS automatically to the patient once they were created. And here is how you can do it. When you create Automatic SMS Template from `{`Settings > SMS`}` you can use the field of (Send When) to choose (After an invoice is created). and use the dynamic values to add QR-Code to your SMS content in the field below.

5. (Monthly Expenses): Now it’s possible to create an expense that recurs automatically every month. Like Salaries and Rent. Go to `{`Settings > Monthly Expenses`}`.

New Feature


1. (Patient Job): We included a field for the patient profession in the patient profile. This enables you to filter your patients by their professions and so in your analytics & reports.

2. (Patients Tags): Finally, we enabled patients tagging. This allows you to group your patients literally, under different tags. (VIP, Family, Staff, or even annoying patients). Just select one patient or as Many patients as you want -use filters to help with selection- then scroll down to the bottom of the page and click on the blue button (Update Tags), then select an available tag or create new one.

3. (Patient Photo): You can now add patient profile photos when you create a new patient or edit one.

4. (Patient QR): We enabled extra Details field for patients when they fill their data throw QR-Code, now they will find an extra Details field to add any required details. We also Enabled you to edit the patient entered data before confirming it.

New Feature

Analytics & Reports:

1. (Expense): Of course we couldn’t forget about linking the New Feature (Payments for Expenses) to the expenses reports. Now expenses reports shows payments and required to pay.

2. (Patients): Definitely (Patient Job) & (Patients Tags) too were linked to analytics. Now you will find two charts added to `{`Analytics > Patients`}` presenting percentages of both.

Search & Filters:

1. (Patients): Now you can search patients by ID. Just type # before the patient ID in the search field.

2. (Logs): Now you can search operations by name or code in logs.

3. (Calendar): Now you can filter calendar by Doctor.


1. (Editing): Now ONLY OWNERS can edit the creation date for any old ( Invoice, Payment, Patient, Appointment, and Operation). The invoice can be edited even if it has payments, but only the Assigned-To-User and the date can be edited.

2. (Assigning Users): Now you can assign users to notes and prescriptions.

3. (Attachments): Now you can attach a file or a photo to all the following: (Invoices & its Payments - Expenses & its Payments - Incomes - Labs & Lab-Orders - Insurance Companies - Suppliers).

Notification System:

1. When you create a note or a prescription and assign a user to it, this user will get a notification about it.

Bugs Squashing:

1. We squashed a couple of small bug. Just because we can.

We keep testing Dentolize regularly and following up with our dentists and get their suggestions, in order to keep enhancing Dentolize and make sure it is always fulfilling all your needs.

April 28, 2022

Notification System:

1. (Notification Settings) added to Dentolize Mobile Application. It helps you select the notifications you require to receive.
(Notification Settings) can be modified under (App Settings) you find in the menu icon at the bottom bar in the mobile application.

2. (New Notifications): Now when a user create a (Calendar Appointment) or a (Calendar Note), the (Assigned-To User) will receive a notification about it.


1. Now when patients receive invoices or prescriptions via QR-Code, they will include their names.

Search & Filters:

1. We added new filter (By Assigned Doctor) to invoices and to payments. Now you can find required invoices and payments for a specific doctors very easy.

Billing Solutions:

1. (Invoicing Tool): Now when an invoice is created, the (Assigned To) field is mandatory to fill. You can no more create an invoice without assigning it to the user whom will collect it to make sure invoices are never missed.

March 25, 2022

New Feature

Billing Solutions:

1. NEW (Incomes): To complete the billing cycle Dentolize added the new feature (Incomes) to our (Billing Tools), a tool to help you organize your incomes and be able to add manual income or find a required income with search and filters toolbar. Dentolize wants you to keep an eye on your growth.

2. (Payments): We added more payment types to choose from when you add a payment to your invoice, like mobile wallet.

Account Settings:

1. (Subscription Details): Dentolize made your subscription details visible at your (Account Settings) page.

Teeth Chart:

1. Now every Tooth Number will have a different color background if this tooth has operations or notes. When you hover over the teeth with the mouse on your Web App, or long press it on Mobile App, you will see those operations and notes made on that teeth.